Stop the Slaughter

By: ThisAmericanCarnage

Happy-Talking the Issue Once again, the sounds of gunfire irrupt in a gun free zone. The sounds of screaming children and the sight of dying children fills the halls of learning. The lives lost, stolen by a single savage bastard venting, hate for beauty, and blessed things by a bullet-storm. A piece of scum from the underside of the scat pile crawled up out of the cesspool to punish teachers and children for the crime of not being a part of the midden heap too. Good people are dead, because this exemplary specimen of excreta decided to destroy all that was pure she could not be a part of. Plain and simple, the barbarous skid-mark-on-life wanted to murder children; so she went to the place where they could be found, the place they all felt safe, and the place where no one could stand in her way. She planned it carefully. She executed it methodically. And she telegraphed it before hand constantly… Yet here in the aftermath, the masses are asking, “How do we stop the slaughter?” Then comes the predictable reactions of politicians. Lefties blame the guns. Righties blame the mental health problems. CNN follows it up by fanning the flames and faking the news with child actors and made up scripts demonizing, the NRA and the FBI, enough to invoke the envy of the KGB itself if they were still available for jealousy. Everybody points the fingers and pushes false narratives, but nothing productive is forthcoming. And what about the dead? Do they even matter anymore? No. They were only the spark to start the firestorm, the casualties of a gutless butcher used to get the gun battle going in the state houses. How sad…yet how so expected. Every time something blows up or someone gets shot, all these hawks and vultures settle on the corpses, and all they can do is react, but never can they properly respond… Which, in and of itself is making them responsible for every tragic loss of life along the way. They don’t care about the young lives cut off without cause in the classroom or running helplessly down the halls. And the next time will be no different if we don’t start thinking differently about these demoniacs who destroy our dear ones. We can’t leave it to the law-makers anymore, either, because we already know clearly where they stand on the issue; and it’s not anywhere near where they should be, solving the problem at hand. We, the people, must decide what actions to take in this matter, and what measures to make our servants in Congress pass into law on our behalf. This begins by, first, abandoning all our past efforts and old lines of thinking as outdated, unproductive, and utterly fallacious. We’ve tried it that way already and one after another, our children died from our own choices, and the chicanerous decisions of the charlatans in power. Now let’s look again at the issue with new eyes and unbiased minds, not for the sake of settling gun control or mental health care, or any other item, agenda, talking point, or company, line, related or irrelevant, to this most crucial concern of our country. Right now, American people, one and all, only care about our kids, keeping them happy, keeping them free, and keeping them safe. And this is where the decision must begin with. No more happy talking the issue. Spamalot As parents, teachers, siblings, friends, what do we desire in this matter? We want to secure the “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness“ for ourselves, and for our children, both at home and abroad, but especially at their most vulnerable moments, at school and returning home there from. This is our purpose. But what is our impediment? The Right would have us think mental health is somehow the problem, though it may be for some (most murderous scumbags, who shoot up schools turn out to be on psych meds), this monster clearly knew what she was doing, clearly made strategic choices to craft her callous actions, and clearly created the carnage carelessly and calmly. Hardly the mark of a retard. No. She was not in any way mentally handicap, or otherwise cranially impaired. This retrograde piece of garbage was, is, and will be evil till the day she gets the needle. Enough said. Meanwhile, on the left, we are being fed the narrative, the guns did it, specifically, the A.R. 15. They say the “A R“ stands for assault rifle, and that we need to get rid of this gun, or raise the purchase age to 21 or strengthen the background checks, or have a longer waiting period. Yada, yada, yada. Spam, spam, spam. First off, a simple check will show “AR“ stands for “ArmaLite”, the company that makes the gun. It does not stand for assault rifle. And last I checked, guns are inanimate objects, which only do the will of a living, breathing person who picks them up and wields them, whether for righteous or wicked purposes, but moreover, a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun… Or he can at least try. So what would happen if they outlawed this gun? Would it have stopped the slaughter? No. This beastial troglodyte would have found another way by some underhanded means of acquiring them. How about raising the age of legal purchase ability to 21, would that have stopped the slaughter? Again, she already had legal firearms, and she was 28, but, moreover, consider the cancerous colon who murdered all the children at Sandy Hook. He could not have bought an A.R. 15 if the legal age had been raised, but he never intended to buy one anyway. That savage bastard slaughtered his own mother first, and then he used her A.R. 15 to take the lives of all those perfect preschool children. Or what of the Orlando killer? He was over 21. The Vegas killer was 65. Better checks would have done nothing to thwart these. Longer waiting periods would have done nothing to divert their diabolical purposes. Besides, for all this talk of taking A.R. 15‘s away, Virginia Tech was the worst school shootings so far in our history, and what did that protrusive poltroon use to murder, in